Letter Template

Call to Action – Enhancing ADHD Support as an Election Promise

List of all Members of Parliament

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 [Your Name]

[Street Address]

[Suburb, State, Postcode]

[Name of your Local Member of Parliament]

[Street Address]

[Suburb, State, Postcode]


RE: Call to Action – Enhancing ADHD Support as an Election Promise

Dear [Name of your Local Member of Parliament],

As a resident of [your suburb/electorate], I am writing to express my concern about the ongoing inadequacy of support services for individuals and families affected by ADHD. Despite the high prevalence of ADHD, current services are severely insufficient and inaccessible, leaving many, including myself [and/or my family], struggling without the necessary resources.

[Include a paragraph explaining the challenges you face due to insufficient ADHD support options. Share specific experiences you have encountered in the workplace, school or university, training institutions such as TAFE, the community, or everyday life. Personal anecdotes will help illustrate the real-life impact.]

To address these challenges, it is crucial for the government to take action by implementing the key recommendations from the 2023 Federal Senate Inquiry into ADHD and the ADHD WA Request to Government. These recommendations include:

  1. Supporting Individuals Through Advocacy
  2. Establishing a WA-Specific Telephone Information Line
  3. Expanding Regional Outreach
  4. Delivering Affordable Wrap-Around Services for Adults
  5. Delivering Affordable Wrap-Around Services for Children and Families

[Include a paragraph stating how these recommendations would directly support you and/or your family. You can select one recommendation or broadly discuss all of them, highlighting their potential impact.]

This issue affects not only me but also the wider community, and it will continue to worsen without governmental commitment and recognition. As the election approaches, I urge you to consider ADHD support as a critical issue and to bring this urgent matter to the attention of the Department of Health and to Minister Amber Jade Sanderson.  An election promise to enhance ADHD support would give a voice to those impacted and ensure they are heard for the first time in history.

Thank you for considering my letter. I look forward to hearing from you soon about how ADHD support can be improved.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]
[Your email address and contact number]