ADHD WA Media Release
ADHD WA calls for targeting of increased school funding
ADHD WA has welcomed the $1.6 billion-dollar combined funding from the State and Federal Governments for WA public schools.
The increased funding, aimed at outcome-driven initiatives for students in the areas of education, wellbeing and support, opens new opportunities for disadvantaged students.
ADHD WA spokesperson Dr Michele Toner said the funding areas highlight a prime opportunity to address the need for targeted funding for students living with ADHD. “Currently there is no specific funding for teachers to support ADHD in the classroom and this needs to change.”
“International epidemiological studies tell us that one in twenty children have ADHD. In WA however, only 1 in 40 children are diagnosed and treated, despite ADHD being one of the most researched areas in child health. Inflated wait-times to see paediatricians and allied health practitioners are resulting in delayed commencement of treatment resulting in students experiencing up to 2 years of inconsistent learning that cannot be caught up. Over 50% of children with ADHD will also have some form of learning difficulty.”
“Specific teaching strategies targeted at supporting students with ADHD are vital to ensure their engagement in class, and to prevent mental health challenges. Teachers should be provided with the training and resources to cater for this vulnerable group of students. We call on the Government to include them in the distribution of this funding”.